AG800 活性碳濾網+AG800 HEPAfast濾網
- >99.85%過濾效能
- 零臭氧保證
- 100%高壓全密封
- 全鋁金屬封裝 (機身及濾網)
- 智能感測周邊空氣質量
- 描述
AIRGLE 空氣淨化機
Austin Air HM400空氣淨化器
100%美國製造 22年來堅持美國本土製造出品。機身採用實鋼結構構造、無毒高溫焙乾粉塗層、持久節能的美國PSC馬達、精心設計的世界上最科學的360°循環進風系統及匹配風道,以確保高效、快速的淨化效能和卓越的產品品質。
This Genuine PreMax prefilter is a New Edition filter featuring longer filter life and increased airflow. New Edition filters are made with lightweight inert thermoplastic separators, resulting in an increase of active surface area, more even filter-loading and more than a 10% reduction in total weight. Enjoy more clean air and spend less on filter replacement costs than ever before!
Air Purifiers: HealthPro, HealthPro Plus, HealthPro Compact.
Home Office好難專心做到野?原來空氣質素嘅好壞會影響專注力!
室內如冷氣灰塵、吹入黎嘅戶外污染物都暗藏大量細菌,Airgle AG25空氣清新機有效過濾室內環境中的各種有害物質,空氣清新咗,無論做野、搵零感、創作,都精神同專心啲!!
– 過濾細至0.01或0.3以上微米的微塵等可吸入懸浮粒子,包括0.01微米的微細煙霧, 致敏原, 花粉及霧霾 PM2.5等和細菌病毒
– 即時殺滅細菌及病毒 (ElectroMed)
– 分解有害化學氣體如揮發性有機化合物 (VOC) 及甲醛 (HCHO) 等
– 快速去除異味如煙味, 裝修味, 垃圾味, 廁所味, 廚房味及寵物味等
– 等離子 (Plasma) 消毒室內空氣及令室內空氣變得更清新
Austin Air HM205空氣淨化器
100%美國製造 22年來堅持美國本土製造出品。機身採用實鋼結構構造、無毒高溫焙乾粉塗層、持久節能的美國PSC馬達、精心設計的世界上最科學的360°循環進風系統及匹配風道,以確保高效、快速的淨化效能和卓越的產品品質。
Superior Gas and Odor Control:
Patented V5 filtration provides the best solution for gas and odor elimination by combining two types of media – one that adsorbs odors and gases, and another media that changes the pollutant to an oxidized form. Granular activated carbon adsorption eliminates volatile organic compounds (VOC), which are responsible for odors. Pelletized chemisorption destroys harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde by an oxidation process inside a chemically active alumina pellet. And the V-shaped media chambers allow for higher airflow than comparable units. The result is the ability to trap a broader range of gaseous contaminants and odors than conventional room air purifiers.
Air Purifiers: HealthPro, HealthPro Plus.
Austin Air HM405空氣淨化器
•真正的醫療級HEPA去除所有顆粒細如0.3微米和95 %的顆粒在0.1微米和更小的99.97 %
Austin Air空氣淨化器含活性炭布,對顆粒物的抓取、淨化效果顯著,針對老人、小孩、呼吸道疾病患有很好的幫助作用;此款過敏機是最適合有過敏和哮喘的人使用。
This Genuine HyperHEPA Filter is a New Edition filter featuring longer filter life and increased airflow. New Edition filters are made with lightweight inert thermoplastic separators, resulting in an increase of active surface area, more even filter-loading and more than a 10% reduction in total weight. Enjoy more clean air and spend less on filter replacement costs than ever before!
Air Purifiers: HealthPro, HealthPro Plus, HealthPro Compact.